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Sunday 26 June 2011

Sunday Soiree in the City and Southbank

This was a perfect day for a jaunt around the city with our lovely friends Linda and Peter. I don't know how many kilometres we walked I just know it was a lot. 

The aim was to end up at Southbank for a meal at the Sardar Rasoi Indian restaurant. Here we are dining outside on winter evening!

The curry was served and we could't believe the size of the naan bread.

 It was a really lovely meal, the entrée of tandoori salmon was divine and the  palak and madras curries were scrumptious.

The walk back to the car was another long one, but at least we burnt some of the calories we ate! 
A lovely photo of Linda and Peter walking through Southbank

The photo with the bag ended up being the best one Linda!

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